Bad volatile status conditions are blocked by general status protection effects, such as gems, family items, and Safeguard. They are considered "bad status conditions", along with non-volatile conditions.
Status conditions that cannot be cured or prevented are categorized under Status Condition/Passive Volatile.
When a Pokémon is blind, the entire map is darkened and they have no range of vision. Blindness lasts 15-20 steps. The only way to blind a Pokémon is using the move Secret Power under the right conditions, or a family item that may inflict blindness.
When a Pokémon is confused, it will have a chance to inflict damage on itself when it takes a turn. The movement of the Pokémon will also be scrambled, causing it to go in a random direction when moving. Besides certain moves, Pokémon can become confused when stepping on a Spin Trap or eating a Totter Seed. Pokémon that have the Own Tempo Ability, are equipped with a Persim Band or Clarity Relic, or have eaten a Persim Berry are immune to being confused.
Cringe is a one-turn status condition that prevents a Pokémon from attacking. Pokémon with Inner Focus are immune to cringing while Pokémon with Steadfast can still cringe, but will gain one stage in Speed each time.
Pokémon hit by the move Curse will lose 1/4 of their HP when they attack. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor.
Pokémon hit by the move Disable will have their last used move sealed. A Pokémon can only have one move sealed by the move Disable. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor.
Drowsy Pokémon will fall asleep for three turns, two turns after becoming drowsy. The move Yawn will make an opponent drowsy, and certain items such as Herbal Tea.
Pokémon hit by the move Embargo cannot use any items in their bag for five turns.
Pokémon hit by the move Encore can only use their last used move for five turns. Pokémon that are under the effect of Aroma Veil cannot be encored.
When a Pokémon is exposed, moves against it will ignore increased Evasion and immunity to Normal- and Fighting-type damage. The moves Odor Sleuth and Foresight will expose a Pokémon. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor.
Gastro Acid[]
Pokémon hit by the move Gastro Acid will have all of their Abilities removed. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor.
Heal Block[]
Pokémon hit by the move Heal Block will be unable to heal for five turns. While under the effects of Heal Block, a Pokémon can still use items and moves that heal, but will not be provided the healing effects that they bring. Pokémon that are under the effect of Aroma Veil cannot be heal blocked.
Pokémon that are immobilized will be unable to move and cannot be switched out until the effect is gone. If a Pokémon is holding a Shed Shell, has the Ability Run Away or is a Ghost-type, it will not be affected by immobilization.
Infatuated Pokémon cannot attack for five turns. A Pokémon can be infatuated from the move Attract, a Love Potion, or Cute Charm. Pokémon that are the same gender or genderless, have the Ability Oblivious or are under the effect of Aroma Veil cannot be infatuated.
Leech Seed[]
Pokémon hit by the move Leech Seed will lose 1/32 of their max HP each turn, healing the user by the same amount. It lasts until either the user or target faints.
Pokémon hit by the move Nightmare will not recover HP via Rest and lose 1/8 of their max HP every turn they're asleep. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor. If any member of the team holds a Lunar Wing, falling asleep while under the effects of Nightmare cures the effect.
Perish Count[]
Pokémon hit by the move Perish Song will gain a "perish count". The counter will start at 3 and will decrease by one every time the Pokémon uses a move or an item. The Pokémon will have its HP reduced to 1 when the counter hits zero. The perish count will not go down if the Pokémon is not active. Pokémon with the Ability Soundproof are unable to be affected by Perish Song.
Pokémon hit by the move Powder will take damage equal to 25% of their HP when they use a Fire-type move, removing the status afterwards. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor otherwise.
Salt Cure[]
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Pokémon hit by the move Salt Cure will take damage equal to 1/8 of their max HP, or 1/4 if the Pokémon is a Steel or Water type, every 5 steps.
"Sealed" is the state of one or more of a Pokémon's moves being sealed and unable to be used. A move can be sealed from the move Disable, the Ability Cursed Body, stepping on a Seal Trap, or using a move while holding a Choice item. Pokémon that are under the effect of Aroma Veil cannot have their moves sealed.
When a Pokémon is shocked, its moves will be able to hit allied Pokémon or enemy Pokémon if they normally couldn't for 10 turns. A Pokémon can become shocked by stepping on a Shocker Trap or being targeted by a Shocker Orb.
A silenced Pokémon cannot use moves that are sound-based for 10 turns. A Pokémon will become silenced when hit by the move Throat Chop.
Pokémon hit by the move Stone Axe will get splinters, losing 1/16 of their max HP when they take a turn for 4 turns.
Pokémon hit by the move Tar Shot will be tarred, becoming weak to Fire-type moves. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor.
Pokémon hit by the move Taunt cannot use status moves for 10 turns. Pokémon that have the Ability Oblivious or are under the effect of Aroma Veil cannot be taunted.
Pokémon hit by the move Torment cannot use the same move twice in a row for five turns. Pokémon that are under the effect of Aroma Veil cannot be tormented.
When a Pokémon is vulnerable, moves against it will ignore increased Evasion and immunity to Ghost-type damage. A Pokémon will become vulnerable when hit by a Pokémon that has has a family item which inflicts it. It lasts for the duration the Pokémon is on a floor.