P.MysteryUniverse Wiki
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F is for friends, U is for you and me!

Having FUN is something that everyone can do and being with friends makes it better.

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A community-made map that shows just a part of the world you can dive into.

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There are many beautiful things in this game, and some can only be found with a friend.

F is for friends, U is for you and me!
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Welcome to the Pokémon Mystery Universe wiki!


Welcome to the player-run wiki for Pokémon Mystery Universe; your only Pokémon Mystery Dungeon based Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game!

Visit the website to learn more about the project and download the game! PMU also has a forum and official Discord server.

New to the game?
  • Controls and Commands has everything to help you get around the game.
  • Get familiar with words when chatting using the Terminology page.
  • Find where any Pokémon is located at the Pokémon obtaining guide!
  • You can learn about dungeon mechanics and see all dungeons at Dungeons.
  • Looking for advice or want to help other players? Check out Tips from Players! These might help out, and everyone is free to add their own.
  • Want to feel like a part of the game's history? Come to the PMU Playerbase community page and put your name in!
  • Still feeling lost? Take a look at our FAQ; it answers and helps with common questions or issues.
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  • Too nervous, or you don't know where to put info? We have an in-wiki information dump so other editors can take care of placing information into the right places.
Latest News
  • [2024-10-13 04:13:19] [Event] Resort Island is now open as our Summer Holiday Cave event!
  • [2024-1-9 11:41:36] Version 7.5 of the PMU Client has released! For more details, see: pmuniverse.net/changelog.
  • [2024-1-9 7:59:56] [Dungeon] Two Escape Orbs have been added to Friendship Forest B4F to assist in case of a soft lock.
  • [2024-31-5 11:58:36] [Event] This year's Easter Holiday Cave is now closed. Thank you all for the amazing memories on this event!
  • [2024-15-5 1:52:51] [Event] Flowerblossom Fields is now open as our Easter Holiday Cave event! It will be accessible southeast of the Crossroads at Holiday Hills until May 31st. Enjoy and have fun!
  • [2024-29-4 1:11:46] [Overworld] A new path has been added under Snowbasin town for easier access to Crystal Falls & Glitter Cavern.
  • [2024-27-4 11:00:38] [Dungeon] Sauna Cavern and Southern Sea have both been reworked.
  • [2024-1-4 8:02:02] [Shop] Bun'nel has returned to run Spring Seasonal Shop.
  • [2024-14-2 6:36:47] [Shop] Lovebug's Valentine Shop is now open until Easter!
  • [2024-15-1 10:03:26] Snowfall Village is now closed. Thank you for joining us!
  • [2024-6-1 8:11:21] [Ability] Gorilla Tactics is now fully functional.
  • [2024-6-1 8:11:00] [Ability] Sharpness is now fully functional.
  • [2024-1-1 9:09:37] [Event] Snowfall Village is now open as our winter Holiday Cave event. It will be open for two weeks and can be found Southeast of the Crossroads at Holiday Hills!
  • [2023-1-12 9:59:55] [Shop] Cola Bear's Winter Shop is now open for the rest of the Winter season.
  • [2023-23-9 3:11:59] [Shop] Mandy's Autumn Shop is now open for the rest of Autumn.
  • [2023-17-9 9:34:08] [Event] Mirage Mountain is now closed. However, a 1.3 exp boost is now active until October 1 at 7 PM UTC. Happy training!
  • [2023-11-9 7:00:36] [Move] Decorate is now fully functional. As an added bonus it's animation is throwing random sweets!
  • [2023-8-9 9:33:16] [Ability] Flower Veil is now fully functional.
  • [2023-8-9 8:55:16] [Status] Misty Terrain now correctly blocks Confusion.
  • [2023-8-9 8:29:09] [Ability] Sweet Veil's ally protection from sleep and drowsy is now functional.
  • [2023-8-9 7:01:27] [Ability] Pastel Veil is now fully functional. Pokemon with Pastel Veil cannot be poisoned barring Mold Breaker, Allies nearby cannot be poisoned either. And finally being near an ally with Pastel Veil can heal your poison much like Healer.
  • [2023-6-9 6:07:24] [Ability] Aroma Veil is now fully functional. Along with ally protection.
  • [2023-3-9 8:08:01] [Event] Mirage Mountain, the Anniversary HC is now open for two weeks until September 17th. Enjoy!
  • [2023-27-8 10:20:11] [Pokemon] Female Espurr can now evolve properly the Meowstic in Starlit Lagoon's Secret Room is now an Espurr.
  • [2023-27-8 9:47:25] [Shop] The Heart Scale Tutor Togetic is now fixed and able to be found again in its old spots in Winden and Tanren
  • [2023-24-8 5:05:53] [Ability] Illuminate now increases your light circle by around six in dungeons with darkness, much like Keen Eye. Keen Eye has also been buffed to be around six as well.
  • [2023-24-8 5:05:53] [Ability] Illuminate now increases your light circle by around six in dungeons with darkness, much like Keen Eye. Keen Eye has also been buffed to be around six as well.
  • [2023-21-8 6:47:33] [Ability] Power Spot is now functional.
  • [2023-21-8 6:03:54] [Dungeon] Poke Piles in Cryptic Chasm have had their value slightly dropped on floors 41 and above
  • [2023-21-8 6:03:10] [Item] Comet Shard sell price has been reduced to 12000 from 15000
  • [2023-15-8 4:05:27] [Dungeon] Mistspring Woods has now been released in Exbel!
  • [2023-31-7 10:00:38] [Dungeon] Alolan Marowak can now be found in Undercity Catacombs!
  • [2023-31-7 9:34:37] [Dungeon] Alolan Raichu can now be found in Sandy Shallows' Secret Room!
  • [2023-23-7 9:49:01] [Dungeon] Rookidee can now be found in Pebble Cave.
  • [2023-23-6 7:47:16] [Dungeon] Mineral Cavern has been remade with new npcs, better exp and a fresh new look!
  • [2023-12-6 2:30:59] [Shop] BBQ's Summer Store is now open for the duration of Summer.
  • [2023-16-3 6:09:04] [Shop] The Valentine Shop is now closed for the year! The Spring shop is now open in Grassroot!
  • [2023-15-2 5:53:06] [Shop] The Winter Seasonal shop has now closed for the year. Lovebug's Valentine Store is now open for a month!
  • [2023-7-2 4:08:24] [Ability] Victory Star is now functional.
  • [2023-30-1 7:38:17] [Status] Sunny Weather now correctly prevents the Freeze status.
  • [2023-26-1 7:23:30] [Move] Future Sight and Doom Desire no longer deal set damage. They use a new damage calculation. If hit by them you only take damage after you attack.
  • [2023-24-1 3:51538] [Move] Tar Shot is now fully functional.
  • [2023-21-1 6:36:08] [Move] Strength Sap is now functional.
  • [2022-1-12 9:19:48] [Shop] Mandy's Autumn shop is now closed till next year. Cola Bear's Winter Shop is now open for the winter season!
  • [2022-1-12 9:18:20] [Shop
  • [2022-19-10 4:57:41] [Move] Spectral Thief's secondary effect is now functional.
  • [2022-19-10 2:42:43] [Move] Instruct is now functional.
  • [2022-19-10 6:02:45] [Move] Speed Swap is now functional. However it simply swaps Speed Stat changes instead of the actual Speed Stat.
  • [2022-18-10 6:00:09] [Move] Toxic Thread in now functional.
  • [2022-18-10 5:28:23] [Move] Venom Drench is now functional.
  • [2022-16-10 6:57:32] [Move] Powder is now fully functional.
  • [2022-16-10 8:37:19] [Move] Bolt Beak and Fishious Rend now have their secondary effect.
  • [2022-16-10 7:49:22] [Move] Stomping Tantrum's secondary effect is now functional.
  • [2022-12-10 6:29:22] [Move] Aura Wheel is now functional.
  • [2022-12-10 5:42:05] [Ability] Morpeko's Hunger Switch ability is now functional.
  • [2022-10-10 6:22:49] [Move] Rising Voltage is now functional.
  • [2022-10-10 5:40:21] [Move] Electrify is now functional.
  • [2022-10-10 2:41:57] [Ability] Storm Drain and Lightning Rod's radius of effect has been reduced a little.
  • [2022-10-10 2:29:53] [Move] Ion Deluge is now functional.
  • [2022-12-9 5:23:21] [Shop] Mandy's Autumn seasonal shop is now open!
  • [2022-1-9 7:09:57] [Event] Resort Island has now concluded - we hope you all had fun with the expedition this year!
  • [2022-22-8 5:34:07] [Dungeon] Silver Key chambers now contain Silver Boxes instead of boxes used by family items.
  • [2022-9-6 8:23:52] [Shop] BBQ's summer seasonal shop is now open!
  • [2022-10-5 3:25:58] [Items] Family items for Generation 8 are now available in boxes and the swap shop!
  • [2022-2-5 4:24:19] Easter Holiday Cave is closed; we hope you enjoyed all the eggs-elent runs, explorers!
  • [2022-18-4 12:36:21] [Event] Easter Holiday Cave is now open for two weeks! Have fun with the egg hunt, explorers!
  • [2022-13-3 6:47:40] [Shop] Lovebug's Valentine store has now closed for the year! Bun'nel's Spring store has now opened in Grassroot Town for the Spring season.
  • [2022-25-2 8:23:52] [Dungeon] Thunderstorm Forest -remake- has now been released!
  • [2022-11-2 6:06:37] [Shop] The winter seasonal shop is now closed. Lovebug's Valentine Store is now open.
  • [2022-10-2 5:49:55] [Items] Various items now get used by enemy NPCs when thrown at them.
  • [2022-9-1 7:12:53] [Move] Shell Trap is now functional the way it was supposed to.
  • [2022-6-1 7:29:06] [Moves] Two-Turn moves now have animations and sounds during their charging stage!
  • [2022-5-1 8:56:57] [Move] Meteor Beam is now functional.
  • [2022-5-1 6:59:04] [Move] Scale Shot is now functional.
  • [2022-4-1 5:57:55] [Move] Steel Beam is now functional. However it drains 20% of Max HP instead of 50% here.
  • [2022-4-1 4:55:17] [Ability] Stalwart is now functional.
  • [2021-20-12 10:12:38] A 1.2x EXP boost is now in effect for all dungeons until January 3rd! Happy Holidays, and have fun!
  • [2021-20-12 2:13:56] Halloween Holiday Cave is now closed, we hope you had fun! Let's look forward to new adventures together!
  • [2021-14-12 4:35:30] [Dungeon] Frillish and Mareanie are no longer ID locked spawns.
  • [2021-14-12 4:34:24] [Recruit] Lapras has now moved into IFW SR room. Clauncher and it's gang of Clawtwizer have moved to Sandy Shallows but only shows up to members of Desert Fangs.
  • [2021-13-12 5:03:24] [Ability] The Ability Unnerve has had it's range of effect reduced.
  • [2021-9-12 7:54:33] [Move] Life Dew is now fully functional.
  • [2021-5-12 10:25:03] Halloween Holiday Cave is now open for the next 2 weeks! Remember to keep all HC discussions in #pmu-spoilers or private channels for the next 24 hours, to be considerate towards those in other timezones. Good luck, gamers!
  • [2021-1-12 4:24:18] [Shop] Mandy's Autumn Shop has now closed. Cola Bear's Winter shop has now arrived.
  • [2021-3-10 9:16:50] [Shop] A new shop has opened at Tanren City's West Gate. Twiglet the Sawsbuck sells special branches that allow you to change the form of Deerling or Sawsbuck!
  • [2021-27-9 7:48:06] [Shop] A shop has opened at Iceberg Adrift's entrance to sell Key of the Winds for various currencies.
  • [2021-27-9 6:18:41] [Dungeons] Iceberg Adrift now has two endboxes instead of one. TM Psychic has been removed from them. Snowflake and Icicle Key are now in seperate boxes.
  • [2021-18-9 12:10:36] [Recruits] Impidimp, Arrokuda, Sizzlipede, Chewtle and Gossifleur are now available. Applin will follow later on. Check Discord #news for location information.
  • [2021-16-9 3:17:29] [Ability] Stench now makes you immune to Pluck and Bug Bite stealing items.
  • [2021-16-9 3:16:20] [Moves] Bug Bite, Pluck and Incinerate when used by NPCs now have a chance to fail at stealing/burning items.
  • [2021-15-9 5:49:53] [Ability] Pokemon with the ability Truant will no longer get hit-stunned.
  • [2021-13-9 1:16:14] Snowbasin Town has received a visual and thematic overhaull
  • [2021-8-9 1:48:27] [Moves] AoE and Spray type moves now have a new debuff system that scales with range.
  • [2021-8-9 1:47:29] [Shop] Mandy's Autumn Shop is now open in Grassroot! BBQ has packed things away until next summer.
  • [2021-5-9 8:09:58] Resort Island is now closed for the year... Thank you for visiting, and we hope you had fun!
  • [2021-2-9 1:15:04] [Dungeon] Using Honey in Mystic Coven's SR at Dusk now summons Lycanroc-Dusk!
  • [2021-1-9 5:07:36] Happy birthday, PMU! To celebate PMU's 11th birthday, an EXP boost is in effect until 12th of September, 17:00 UTC.
  • [2021-26-8 5:15:42] Impidimp, Applin and Arrokuda have arrived to the Resort Island event dungeons. Happy hunting!
  • [2021-22-8 8:03:15] Resort Island is now opened until September 5th, 22:00 UTC. Visit the ferry on Exbel Coast to join in. Have fun!
  • [2021-21-8 9:04:48] You can now purchase Glittering and Radiating keys from Taric and Gabeedle. These keys unlock shiny Dratini and Gible.
  • [2021-22-7 7:25:43] [Overworld] There's now a rest stop outside Cliffside Relic.
  • [2021-21-7 5:16:12] [Pokemon] Midnight Lycanroc has been added as a standaone recruit in a new Secret Room at Mystic Coven.
  • [2021-17-7 9:20:09] [Evolution] Male Espurrs can now evolve into Male Meowstic, sadly Female Espurrs cannot evolve for the time being. However a recruitable female Meowstic is hiding in Starlit Lagoon's Secret Room.
  • [2020-4-7 8:16:33] [Move] Surf no longer hits allies in dungeons.
  • [2021-3-6 9:09:27] [Shop] The Summer seasonal shop has now arrived, ran by BBQ.
  • [2021-19-4 2:50:22] Easter HC is now closed. Thank you all for participating!
  • [2021-8-4 7:41:48] All eggs now have a chance to hatch shiny! Rates will be boosted for the duration easter Holiday Cave is open to commemorate this milestone. Happy hatching!
  • [2021-4-4 7:25:49] Happy Easter everyone! Easter HC is now released and will be open for two weeks! In addition, all gen 6-7 Pokemon are now shinyable!
  • [2021-8-3 4:27:40] [Shop] The Valentine seasonal shop has now closed for the year. The Spring seasonal shop has now arrived for the rest of Spring.
  • [2021-8-2 11:28:07] [Shop] Cola Bear's Seasonal shop has packed up until next Winter, Lovebug has now arrived for the Valentine holiday.
  • [2021-5-2 9:33:11] [Item] Heart Slate fusion costs for the Mystery Part have been revised! From now on, the first fusion will cost 200k, whereas each new Heart Slate will cost a flat 100k fee thereafter.
  • [2021-25-1 10:45:49] [Trap] Trip Traps now pause you for one turn when triggered.
  • [2021-24-1 1:54:25] [Dungeon] Wildfire Hills has been released in Exbel.
  • [2021-16-1 7:40:35] [Content] The Winden-East expansion has been released, with an entirely new area to explore.
  • [2021-15-1 11:11:40] [Events] Gems and Crystals are now priced at 25 event tokens. Pokegifts have been added to the Event Shop.
  • [1/9/2021 12:10:18] [Event] Icicle Cave and Mt. Winter are now closed. Thank you all for playing!
  • [2021-2-1 6:39:44] [Ability] Cursed Body now has a lower chance of activating.
  • [2020-31-12 7:33:19] [Item] Inviting Orb now has an extra 10% RR for Shiny NPCs only.
  • [2020-29-12 10:28:02] [Bugfix] Shiny sounds will now be heard consistently for all party members.
  • [2020-27-12 11:10:43] [Shop] Combee in Tanren is feeling generous! Honeys now sell for 1250 a piece instead of 1500.
  • [2020-26-12 12:04:24] Winter Holiday Cave is now open for 2 weeks! Enjoy!
  • [2020-20-12 7:40:50] All Alolan Forms can now be found shiny.
  • [2020-20-12 7:40:15] [Evolution] Rockruff can now evolve into just Midday Lycanroc at Level 25 + Sun Ribbon
  • [2020-10-12 4:21:55] [Overworld] Players now get an introduction story hinting at Undercity the first time they enter Tanren Museum.
  • [2020-7-12 11:05:39] [Status] Attract no longer causes immobilization. It now has a status icon as well.
  • [2020-4-12 11:29:54] [Overworld] Occasionally, (non recruitable) tougher Pokemon will now spawn in the overworld to increase overworld variety across Winden and Exbel.
  • [2020-4-12 5:32:29] [Ability] Frisk now correctly works
  • [2020-4-12 5:32:20] [Move] Perish Song now reduces the users HP to 1 after 3 turns instead of fainting the user
  • [2020-1-12 8:43:44] [Shop] The Autumn seasonal shop run by Mandy is now closed. Cola Bear has now returned for the Winter seasonal shop!
  • [2020-30-11 7:24:45] Overworld recruits now have a rare chance to spawn shiny!
  • [2020-20-11 6:50:22] [Dungeon] Mystic Coven's entrance map and endbox rewards have received upgrades.
  • [2020-15-11 5:49:47] [Item] The number of turns Slumber Orbs last for has been changed to 4-6 turns.
  • [2020-15-11 5:50:43] [Trap] The Slumber Trap has been nerfed to 4 turns.
  • [2020-13-11 8:46:36] [Dungeon] Caustic Sewers and Ancient Caustic Sewers have received a small-scale revamp!
  • [2020-30-10 6:30:38] Team Elemental's Base has opened west of Grassroot Town.
  • [2020-1-10 5:21:44] [Dungeon] Gritty Hollow has been revamped into Gritty Burrow, being updated in balance, visuals, story and npcs.
  • [2020-30-9 7:48:53] Generation V recruits and gen 5-7 starters can now be shiny hunted!
  • [2020-27-9 9:42:48] All Fossils (gen 1-7) can now be shiny hunted.
  • [2020-26-9 8:15:08] [Tutorial] Explorer's Bazaar has been addition to the Exbel Woods tutorial for beginning players!
  • [2020-23-9 2:08:18] [Dungeon] Glitter Cavern has been released in Winden.
  • [2020-21-9 5:10:32] [NPC] Alolan Meowth is now recruitable in Mystic Coven.
  • [2020-18-9 8:53:44] [NPC] Pikipek is now recruitable in Island Garden.
  • [2020-18-9 8:44:51] [Shop] Mandy the Mandibuzz has returned to Grassroot with her Autumn wares!
  • [2020-9-9 9:25:16] [Move] The move Flash has been buffed in use and nerfed in PP.
  • [2020-9-9 7:00:29] [Move] Brutal Swing and Sparkling Aria no longer hit allies.
  • [2020-8-9 4:43:50] [Dungeon] Concealed Laboratory has been released in Winden Taiga!
  • [2020-5-9 5:36:58] [Item] Amber Tear has been released, replacing the Golden Mask in Sky Fortress Garden.
  • [2020-1-9 8:39:23] Happy 10th Anniversary PMU! Check the #announcements channel in Discord for a full overview of activities this month!
  • [2020-21-8 1:43:46] Resort Island has been extended until the 27th of August! Additionally, Pansear, Pansage, Panpour, Roggenrola, Cottonnee, Petilil, Alomomola and Heatmor can now be found there!
  • [2020-14-8 6:05:47] [Event] Resort Island is now open until 23rd of August! You can visit it from the south coast of Exbel.
  • [2020-3-6 6:19:45] [Dungeon] Mt. Skylift has had a minor update to it's npcs, and other edits.
  • [2020-31-5 9:23:07] [Shop] BBQ's Seasonal Shop has now returned for the Summer!
  • [2020-4-5 7:01:37] [Event] Holiday Cave Easter is now closed for the year! I hope you all had fun!
  • [2020-20-4 11:34:49] Easter Holiday Cave is now open until May 4th! May the eggs be with you.
  • [2020-3-4 5:48:27] [Shop] Bun'nel has returned to run the Spring Seasonal Shop.
  • [2020-15-3 10:45:06] Shimmering Seabed has been released in the Archford region!
  • [2020-18-2 9:25:30] [Dungeon] Tiny Grotto has been split into two different dungeons.
  • [2020-18-2 12:37:18] [Dungeon] Scorched Grasslands has been released.
  • [2020-14-2 8:54:25] [Ability] Keen Eye now ignores enemy Pokemon evasion buffs.
  • [2020-14-2 8:16:40] [Ability] Pokemon with the ability Oblivious are now immune to Taunt.
  • [2020-14-2 8:06:45] [Ability] Intimidate no longer affects those with the following abilities: Inner Focus, Oblivious, Scrappy and Own Tempo.
  • [2020-13-2 10:48:42] [Move] Beak Blast is now fuctional!
  • [2020-4-2 10:22:04] [Event]: Holiday Cave has now closed.[2020-28-1 4:26:32] [Feature] Mushrooms! Slice your Big Mushrooms up into smaller ones, for a cost of course. Check out Grassroot Bazaar!
  • [2020-27-1 8:45:20] [Dungeon] Cliffside Relic is now released, replacing Cliffside Cave.
  • [2020-20-1 12:55:36] [Event] Holiday Cave has opened until February 3, 05:00. Keep spoilers at a minimum, unless in the correct discord channel.
  • [2019-17-12 11:05:41] [Command] /cry has now been created, every Pokemon should be able to use it! Enjoy!
  • [2019-11-12 4:43:23] [Shop] Cola Bear has returned to Grassroot for the Winter, bringing his seasonal wares!
  • [2019-11-11 9:01:48] [BugFix] Levels now correctly affect Recruit Rate again.
  • [2019-29-10 6:59:05] BREAKING: MissingNo goes missing from all existing and future Mystery Parts obtained from Tanren Chambers. If found, call no one. We don't want him.
  • [2019-21-10 6:08:30] If a shiny Pokemon spawns and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound? It does now!
  • [2019-27-9 5:42:52] [Shop] Mandy the Mandibuzz's seasonal shop is now Open for Autumn/Fall!
  • [2018-28-8 5:53:53] Tanren Graveyard has been discovered!
  • [2019-12-8 9:41:05] [Dungeon] Archford Training Dojo has been released.
  • [2019-11-8 10:30:52] [Dungeon] Lush Archipelago has been released.
  • [2019-11-8 10:30:34] Southwestern Isle has been discovered in Archford!
  • [2019-18-6 10:58:04] [Dungeon] Crystal Ruins and Crystal Castle have been revamped.
  • [2019-15-6 8:07:49] [Shop] BBQ has returned for the Summer to sell his wares in Grassroot. Bun'nel's Spring Store has now left until next year.
  • [2019-4-6 12:44:57] [Ability] Merciless is now fully functional. As always let the Staff Team know of any issues.
  • [2019-16-5 1:59:24] [Dungeon] Ash Forest has been released!
  • [2019-8-5 7:35:24] [Event] Holiday Cave Easter is now closed! Hope you had a great time!
  • [2019-7-5 4:50:59] [Moves] Refresh, Aromatherapy and Heal Bell now Heal both your team and your allies. Each Move has a different PP count and range.
  • [2019-1-5 6:12:17] [Moves] Moves that do not make Contact will not trigger specific abilities now.[2019-24-4 5:42:19] [Event] Easter Holiday Cave is now open for 2 weeks. Remember the 3 day spoiler rule is in effect!
  • [2019-3-4 3:36:01] [Dungeon] Dynamo Sands has finally been released!

[2019-27-3 11:24:15] [Dungeon] Mt. Moon has been re-opened!

  • [2019-19-3 7:35:09] [Item] Ring of Truth is renamed to Lens of Truth and now is a Bag item.
  • [2019-13-3 6:23:34] [Moves] Pokemon with different forms will no longer gain the wrong moves on level up.
  • [2019-12-3 8:51:55] [Item] Type Gems have now been split into Gems and Crystals. Gems will be status protection. Crystals will be movement speed. Old Gems that were movement speed are now Crystals.
  • [2019-11-3 1:02:38] [Dungeon] Sandy Shallows has been released!
  • [2019-8-3 4:44:06] [Command] /requeststaff has been added. If you urgently require staff assistance, use this command to request aid. From this point onwards, requests made on Global may not be answered. Abusing this command will result in your account being muted.
  • [2019-2-3 10:56:27] [Items] Family Items for generation 7 are now available in boxes and the Swap Shop!
  • [2019-2-3 8:50:44] [Shop] Lovebug has returned to sell Valentine related goodies!
  • [2019-25-1 7:57:11] [Item] Life Orb's damage bonus has been increased from x1.25 to x1.3.
  • [2019-25-1 7:56:46] [Ability] Reckless' damage bonus is now x1.2 instead of x1.1.
  • [2019-25-1 7:53:53] [Ability] Rivalry now functions as intended. x1.25 to same gender, x0.75 to opposite, Genderless is normal damage.
  • [2019-25-1 7:51:32] [Ability] Plus, Minus, Hustle and Technician damage bonuses are now x1.5.
  • [2019-25-1 7:47:59] [Ability] Pure Power and Huge Power's damage boosts are set to x2.
  • [2019-25-1 7:44:59] [Ability] Adaptability now increases STAB from x1.5 to x2
  • [2019-25-1 7:42:35] [Moves] Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) is now 1.5x instead of 1.25x.
  • [2019-21-1 5:24:51] [Revamp] Destiny Cavern has been updated!
  • [2019-7-1 10:11:14] [Item] The Sleigh Bell is now inactive.
  • [2019-7-1 10:10:11] [Event] The Winter Event is now over.
  • [2019-6-1 12:37:17] [Item] Wonder and Miracle chests are now Team items. Their Exp boost reduced to 10% and 20% to compensate.
  • [2018-24-12 7:55:51] [Move] Ice Hammer is now functional.
  • [2018-23-12 9:19:09] [Event] Snowflake Village is now open once more for 2 weeks.
  • [2018-21-12 6:13:29] [Shop] Cola Bear has returned for the Winter seasonal shop.
  • [2018-16-12 10:31:35] [Dungeon] Sea Crevice has been released!
  • [2018-13-11 4:47:49] [Items] Keys should no longer get Sticky.
  • [2018-5-11 5:39:32] [Tutorial] The Tutorial at the start of the game can now be skipped by taking the newly added stairs at the start of Exbel Woods!
  • [2018-29-10 12:23:40] [Event] Oblivion Forest is now open until the 11th of November, Enjoy!
  • [2014-24-1 1:01:58] Tanren Chambers is now re-opened!
  • [2014-16-1 1:01:58] We're back! Please see the forums for more information regarding our extended downtime