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Housing centers are a building available in towns. In Grassroot Town, it is located in the northeastern corner near the Mission Board. Greenport Town and Tanren City have their own housing centers as well, and Snowbasin Town has a housing center in its town hall. Housing centers contain every house owned by every player in the game, and give access to guilds.


In Grassroot Town's hosing center, two Pelipper named Pelly and Phyllis give a small tutorial upon entering for the first time. Phyllis will welcome the player to the housing center, and Pelly will tell the player that they can enter houses by going to the hole to their left. This housing center also has a Kangaskhan Storage and Chimecho Assembly, and is the only one that has NPCs other than Pelipper and Wigglytuff.

159 Croco: Who needs a house when I can relax here?
532 Lil Timmy: Hey there! Me and my crew are responsible for house renovation. Is there anything you want to ask about?
latest?cb=20220503233255&format=original House Basics
  • So you want to know about the basics? First off, to start customizing your house, use the '/edithouse' command. From there, you can place tiles on various layers in the Layers tab at the bottom. You can find various tilesets to use in the Tilesets tab. To add blocked tiles, go to the Attributes tab in the top left corner. You can also add any music you've already heard before from the Music menu under the Mapping tab at the bottom. Don't forget to save your house from the Mapping menu! You can change the entrance of your house by using '/houseentrance', but that will cost you 500 Poké.
latest?cb=20220503233255&format=original Notices and Signs
  • When you rank up to Bronze Rank, we can start making signs and notice tiles for your house. These tiles can be used to let other players know about certain features in your house. To add a sign somewhere, simply stand on the tile you want the sign to be on and use the '/housesign' command. You can then input text for a fee of 10 Poké per character. To add a notice, it's the same thing but with '/housenotice'. The same fee of 10 Poké per character applies, but you can also add a sound effect, but that'll cost you 600 Poké extra. If you want just a sound effect, you can use '/housesound', and that'll cost you 500 Poké.
latest?cb=20220503233255&format=original Shop Tiles
  • You can set up shop tiles in your house to sell things when you're away. To do this, use the '/houseshop' command while standing on the tile you want the shop on. To be able to place these tiles, you need to be at least Bronze Rank. Any items that you drop on these tiles can be sold to other players for double the price you bought the tile for. For example, if you want to sell a pot of Honey for 500 Poké, you must buy the tile for 500 Poké. Good luck with selling items!
latest?cb=20220503233255&format=original Ambience Options
  • If you want to add some special effects like weather or darkness to your house, you can do that starting at Silver Rank. If you use the '/houseweather' command, you can change the weather in your house to any one you like for a modest fee of 300 Poké. You can change the darkness level of your house with the '/houselight' command. This will cost you 400 Poké. A lower number means there will be less light, but if you leave it at -1 there will be no darkness. Tinker around with it to find the right light level! Finally, if you don't want your house to show visuals from any weather or the time of day, you can put 4 roof on it with '/houseroof'. A roof on your house will cost you 500 Poké, and you can do this starting from Bronze Rank.
latest?cb=20220503233255&format=original House Expansion
  • Starting from Gold Rank, you can expand the size of your house down and to the right. A house can have a maximum size of 50 by 50 tiles. To expand this far, you will need 1.100.00 Poké, but you can make smaller expansions too for less Poké. Here's how pricing works: For every tile your house is wide or tall already, it will cost 500 Poké to expand one tile down or to the right. For example, if your house is the standard 20 by 15 size and you want to expand exactly one row downward, it'll cost you 20 times 50 Poké, so 10000 Poké total. However, if your house is already 40 tiles wide and you want to expand exactly one row downwards, it will cost you 40 times 50 Poké, so 20000 Poké total. You should keep this in mind when expanding your house, so manage your budget well!
latest?cb=20220503233255&format=original Nope, thanks!
  • That's all right! If you ever need housing advice, I'll usually be around here.

Otherwise, every housing center contains the same contents. The main feature of housing centers is visiting player houses and guild management through Wigglytuff.

Player Houses[]

House visit

Walking over the hole in housing centers will let the player visit a house.

By typing in the name of a player that exists, one can enter their house. The name has to be typed exactly, but is case-insensitive. For example, visiting a house owned by "VGK" is the same as visiting one owned by "vgk". Clicking "Visit My House" will take you to your own house, which you can edit. You do not need to type in your name in the bar in order to use this.


By talking to Wigglytuff in a housing center, a player can join a guild if added by a guild's admin or founder, or create their own guild with an Explorer Rank of Master by gaining 13,500 Explorer Points as well as having 100,000 Poké on them at the time.


  • There was a housing district in PMU 6, however the houses were spread throughout the overworld.
  • The Pelipper names are a reference to the Animal Crossing pelicans that work in the Town Hall.
  • Winden lacks a proper housing center and therefore is the only region that does not have Wigglytuff by any means.