P.MysteryUniverse Wiki

PMU has its own set of keyboard functions. Among using keys that access a function, the game also uses its chat with a variety of command strings. There is little control customization without use of external programs.


These are the default keys used as controls for the game.

Control Action
Left click Checks the following:
ButtonUp.png Movement
ButtonShift.png Hold while using arrow keys to run
  • Selects options
  • Advances dialogue
  • Reads signs
ButtonBackspace.png Backs out of menus
  • Opens the main menu
  • Closes menus
ButtonW.png Move 1/2/3/4 (use with ButtonF.png to use move)
  • Basic attack
  • Uses specified move with ButtonW.png, ButtonA.png, ButtonS.png, or ButtonD.png held
  • Talk to NPCs
Button1.png Switches to Pokémon in respective team slot
ButtonZ.png Uses item held by Pokémon in respective team slot
latest?cb=20230803052607&format=original + ButtonZ.png Throws item held by Pokémon in respective team slot
latest?cb=20230803052607&format=original + ButtonX.png
latest?cb=20230803052607&format=original + ButtonC.png
latest?cb=20230803052607&format=original + ButtonV.png
ButtonHome.png Rotate
ButtonFn.png + ButtonLeft.png
ButtonEnd.png Refresh map
ButtonM.png Enables on screen minimap
ButtonF9.png Opens the online list
ButtonF10.png Opens the battle log
ButtonF11.png Take a screenshot (found in "Client\Screenshots")


Many commands are activated by putting a slash (/) before the command. With some chat commands, you can write text after them. Some commands also may need quotation marks (") and will be marked as necessary. All commands are written inside the chat.

A list of commands can be found below.

Chat Commands[]

Command Action
/g Sends a message in the Guild chat
/p Sends a message in the Party chat
' Sends a message in the Global chat
!"[player]" "message" Sends a private message to a player
/ctf Sends a message in the CTF chat (in a Capture the Flag game only)
/requeststaff "message" Will notify all online staff with your message; use only when staff assistance is urgently needed

User Commands[]

Command Action
/wb [player] Welcomes a user back if they are online (local chat only)
/addfriend [player] Adds a friend
/removefriend [player] Removes a friend
/online [player] Shows if player is online or offline
/poke "[player]" Gives the message "[Player Name] poked [player]!"
/notepad "[player]" Gives the message "[Player Name] threw a notepad at [player]!"
/hug "[player]" Gives the message "[Player Name] has hugged [player]!"
/trade [player] Sends a trade request to a player

Party Commands[]

Command Action
/createparty Creates a party
/joinparty [player] Joins the leader's party
/leaveparty Leaves the leader's party
/kickparty [player] Kicks a player from the party (leader only, outside of dungeons)
/myparty Shows the players in your party

Self Commands[]

Command Action
/ping Overlays the ping of PMU onscreen (non-functional)
/fps Overlays your fps onscreen
/giveup When in a dungeon or house map, prompts the player if they would like to give up. When outside of a dungeon, warps the player to the Crossroads or the map they have set their spawn point at
/refresh Refreshes the in-game map
/status [text] Adds [text] to the right of your name (14 character limit)
/away Sets your status as "Away" and sends in global "[Player Name] is now away.". Using it again removes the status and sends in global "[Player Name] is returned from being away."
/time Shows you the cycle of time in-game
/abilities Lists your active Pokémon's Abilities
/sethouse Sets your spawn point if applicable
/who Shows the amount of players online
/stafflist Lists the role and username of online staff members
/onlineguild Shows online members in your guild
/rules Shows the rules
/commands Shows a list of commands
/charid Shows your ID info and exclusivity
/glomp Shows if you have Plusle or Minun power
/flipcoin Flips a coin and chooses heads or tails
/roll Rolls a die
/yatterman Shows how much PINK you are
/news Shows latest news from the login screen in-game
/tea Gives the message "[Player Name] drinks a nice cuppa tea [text]~"
/coffee Gives the message "[Player Name] drinks a nice cup of coffee [text]~"
/yawn Gives the message "[Player Name] let out a loud yawn [text]~"
/me [text] Gives the message "[Player Name] [text]"
/luck [text] Gives the message "[Player Name] gave a lucky clover to [text]!"
/praise [text] Gives the message "[Player Name] praised [text]!"
/wave [text] Gives the message "[Player Name] waved at [text]!"
/mapmusic Shows the name of the music track used on the current map
/watch Spectates in an arena or the stadium
/stopwatch Stops spectating

Emote Commands[]

Command Action
/) Clap
/)) Murmur
/* Excitement
/+ Angry
/' Sweat
/; Distressed
/! Exclamation point
/? Question mark
/!? Shocked
/. Ellipses
/muwaha Laugh evilly
/pichu Plays a sound clip of Pichu (active Pokémon must be Pichu)
/pichu! Plays a sound clip of Pichu (active Pokémon must be Pichu)
/pikachu! Plays a sound clip of Pikachu (active Pokémon must be Pikachu)
/raichu! Plays a sound clip of Raichu (active Pokémon must be Raichu)
/eevee! Plays a sound clip of Eevee (active Pokémon must be Eevee)
/vulpix! Plays a sound clip of Vulpix (active Pokémon must be Vulpix)
/voice If you're a certain Pokémon, plays a sound clip of it
/cry Plays the cry of the active Pokémon

House Commands[]

Command Action
/edithouse Opens the house editor when in your house
/leavehouse Leaves a house
/housekick [player] Kicks a player from your house
/emptyhouse Kicks all players from your house
/houseentrance Sets the entrance of your house on the tile you're currently on
/houseroof Closes or opens your house's roof
/housenotice Sets notice tile for house (Bronze Rank)
/houseshop Sets shop tile for house (Bronze Rank)
/housesound Sets sound tile for house (Bronze Rank)
/housesign Sets sign tile for house (Bronze Rank)
/houselight Sets darkness of house (Silver Rank)
/houseweather Sets weather of house (Silver Rank)
/houseexpand Sets dimensions of house (Gold Rank)

Capture the Flag Commands[]

Command Action
/ctfcreate Creates a game of CTF
/ctfjoin Joins a game of CTF
/ctfstart Starts the game of CTF (creator only)
/ctfleave Leave the game of CTF
/ctfend Ends the game of CTF (creator only)
/ctfflags [#] Set flag count

Explorer Kit[]

The Explorer Kit is located to the left of the game screen. It has four pages accessible to players.

The first page is the chat. When the player logs in to the game, the chat will display a welcome message, the current in-game time and day of the week, as well as the amount of players online at the time of logging on. The player can type in the chat clicking the bar just below it. The channel that messages will be sent can be changed below the message box. The arrow in the top right of the Explorer Kit window will go to the other pages.

The second page has a counter. There is a plus and minus button that will add and subtract to the value shown. The value is not currently retained if the game is closed and the player logs back in.

The third page is the party menu and only shows when in a party. It displays all players in the party, with the portrait, HP, and experience percentage of their active Pokémon.

The fourth and last page contains the user's friended players and whether they're online or offline, indicated by the square next to a player's name being green or red respectively. The statuses are only checked when the user first logs in, meaning if one of the user's friends logs in or out, the status in the friends list will not be updated until the user relogs themselves. Having a player added as a friend will display the "[Player] has joined/left Pokémon Mystery Universe!" message in chat anywhere, rather than it only showing if they joined or left on the same map as you.

Full Screen Mode[]


Full screen mode with black border

Despite not being apparent, PMU has a full-screen mode available. To access it, press ButtonF11.png (or ButtonFn.png/ButtonShift.png + ButtonF11.png) while on PMU's main menu. The screen should refresh to full screen. It will change the screen resolution and have a large black border around it, and it has no changes to the height or width of PMU's regular screen.

To escape full screen mode, you have to close out of the game. Press Alt+Tab and go to a new window. If you don't have another window open, use Ctrl + Alt + Delete and open the Task Manager to close out. When you reopen the game, it will be back to its windowed mode.

Custom Controls[]

Changing of the controls is very limited. There are five keys that can be remapped by the player: the movement keys and run key.

In the game client directory, there's a file named "controls.xml" and it can be modified with a text editor. The numbers between the tags are equal to a certain keyboard key. A reference of what number corresponds to what key can be found here.

The StandardAttack tag doesn't refer to the standard attack usable with ButtonF.png, as its default key code is 122 (Z), so changing it has no effect.


  • If you PM yourself, the message "[Player Name] begins to mumble to him/her/themself, what a weirdo..." appears in the chat. The pronoun used depends on if the active Pokémon is male, female, or genderless.
  • Using /online with your own username gives the message "You were online. ;)" and disconnects you from the server.
    • Previously it said "You're online, silly!".
  • /stats was a previous command that showed the top richest players. Since the closing of the Hall of Fame, this command no longer works.