P.MysteryUniverse Wiki

Boxes are items that contain another item when opened. They can be opened at Xatu Appraisal. Boxes are most commonly encountered dropped by defeated wild Pokémon in dungeons, in which they will contain family items. They are also rewards at the end of some dungeons and Secret Rooms, containing varied items depending on the location. Some dungeons, and often Holiday Caves, get their own unique boxes.

IS Item Summary
Clown's TreasureClown's TreasureA rainbow box from Trixie Jr.! You wonder what's inside...
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 250
Cannot be lost.
Cute BoxCute BoxA box that is amazingly adorable. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
Nifty BoxNifty BoxA box that is completely impressive. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
Sinister BoxSinister BoxA box that is suspiciously sinister. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
Deluxe BoxDeluxe BoxA box that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
Glittery BoxGlittery BoxA box that glitters with dazzling light. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
  • Dropped by Pokémon
Shiny BoxShiny BoxA box that sparkles and shines. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
Hard BoxHard BoxA box that is impenetrably hard. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
  • Dropped by Pokémon
Heavy BoxHeavy BoxA box that is unbelievably heavy. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
  • Dropped by Pokémon
Light BoxLight BoxA box that is surprisingly light. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
  • Dropped by Pokémon
Easter ChestEaster ChestA chest seemly coated in chocolate, You wonder what is inside...
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 350
Ebony BoxEbony BoxA dark, sinister looking box. Something may be inside but it wont give up it's secrets so easy
Festive PresentFestive PresentA festive present! You wonder what could be inside!
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 777
Golden BoxGolden BoxA golden box that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something valuable but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 250
Grand BoxGrand BoxA Box that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something but wont give up its secrets easily
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 250
Jungle TreasureJungle TreasureTreasure from Floral Jungle. It contains a reward when opening it!
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 350
  • Summer Holiday Cave (Resort Island, Floral Jungle) (ERend room)
Ocean TreasureOcean TreasureTreasure from Tidewater Beach. It contains a reward when opening it!
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 350
  • Summer Holiday Cave (Resort Island, Tidewater Beach) (ERend room)
Volcano TreasureVolcano TreasureTreasure from Kindle Mountain. It contains a reward when opening it!
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 350
  • Summer Holiday Cave (Resort Island, Kindle Mountain) (ERend room)
Natural GiftNatural GiftThe gift of a second chance!
Mirage BoxMirage BoxA magical box found at the summit of Mirage Mountain.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 100
  • Anniversary Holiday Cave 2023 (Mirage Mountain) (ERend room)
Silver BoxSilver BoxA locked silver box. It likely contains something rare but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 500
Spooky BoxSpooky BoxA spooky box that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easily.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 250
Wooden BoxWooden BoxA box carved out of wood. It likely contains something but won't give up its secrets easy.
Rarity: 1
Sell Price: 50